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The Begijnhof, or Beguinage, in Bruges, is a peaceful enclave that offers a glimpse into the lives of the Beguines, religious women who lived communally without taking formal vows. This UNESCO World Heritage Site is a tranquil retreat in the heart of the city, surrounded by charming whitewashed houses and picturesque gardens.


The Begijnhof of Bruges was founded in 1245 by Margaret of Constantinople, the Countess of Flanders. It served as a home for the Beguines, pious women who led a devout life without taking monastic vows. Over the centuries, the Begijnhof has retained its historical charm and continues to be a place of peace and reflection.

Things to Do

Explore the Grounds: Walk through the serene courtyard and enjoy the beautifully maintained gardens.

Visit the Museum: Learn about the history and daily life of the Beguines in the on-site museum.

Admire the Architecture: Take in the stunning architecture of the whitewashed houses and the Gothic-style church.

Attend a Mass: Experience the spiritual ambiance by attending a service in the Church of the Begijnhof.

Photography: Capture the tranquility and beauty of this historic site.

How to Explore

On Foot: The Begijnhof is easily accessible by walking from the city center of Bruges.

By Bike: Rent a bike and include the Begijnhof in your cycling route through Bruges.

Public Transport: Local buses and taxis can take you close to the entrance.

Timings and Tickets

Opening Hours:

The Begijnhof is open daily from 6:30 AM to 6:30 PM.


Entry to the Begijnhof: Free

Museum Admission: Approximately $2


Best Time to Visit: Spend early morning or late afternoon at the Begijnhof for a more peaceful experience.

Respect the Tranquility: Maintain a quiet demeanor to preserve the serene atmosphere.

Dress Modestly: Respect the religious nature of the site by dressing appropriately.


The Begijnhof in Bruges is a haven of peace and history, offering visitors a unique insight into the lives of the Beguines. Its serene gardens, historic buildings, and spiritual ambiance make it a must-visit destination for those seeking tranquility and cultural enrichment.


Is there an entry fee for the Begijnhof?

No, entry to the Begijnhof is free, though there may be a small fee for the museum.

What are the Begijnhof's opening hours?

The Begijnhof is open daily from 6:30 AM to 6:30 PM.

Can I visit the museum inside the Begijnhof?

Yes, the museum is open to visitors and provides insight into the history of the Beguines.

Are there specific dress codes for visiting the Begijnhof?

While there is no strict dress code, modest clothing is recommended out of respect for the site's religious significance.

Is the Begijnhof accessible by public transport?

Yes, local buses and taxis can bring you close to the Begijnhof entrance.

  • imageDuration Required
    2 hours

Address of Begijnhof

Begijnhof 30, 8000 Brugge, Belgium

Opening & Closing time of Begijnhof

  • Monday
  • Tuesday
  • Wednesday
  • Thursday
  • Friday
  • Saturday
  • Sunday