Situated at the seafront in Dammam, King Abdullah Park is one of the most contemporary amusement parks with distinctive architecture and engineering.
It draws a lot of visitors because of its vast playgrounds, food carts, mosque, and other attractions in natural beauty. Your day is spiced up and your attitude is lifted from being merely peaceful to exhilarating as you watch the sea crows and other seabirds fly in enormous flocks above your head. You won't believe you are at a metropolitan bayside despite the flock's appearance.
In this area, wildlife and people can dwell peacefully without bothering or harming one another. Seeing a group of crows swooping over the river is an incredible gift from nature for the guests.
You can engage in outdoor activities with your family and friends just like in any other bayside park in Eastern Province. It is a hub for entertainment that is expertly run by the Dammam municipality. Here, you can enjoy yourself with family and friends.
Ash Shati Al Gharbi, Dammam 32411, Saudi Arabia